The following letter was written by Jessie Cleghorn Wood, to her father Peter Wood. Jessie grew up in the Wood homestead in Tweedside. At the time she wrote this letter, Jessie was 18 years old and living in Calais, Maine. It is not clear why she was living in Calais. This letter was written about a year before she married James T Swan in Harvey. James and Jessie later settled in Tweedside.
Calais, Maine
February 3, 1877
Dear Father
I suppose you think I have forgotten you altogether but I have not. I am going to write you now. Has not this been a very cold winter, but this week has been very mild and warm and nice for the season we have got to have our windows [open] most all the time now for it is so warm in the house. I hope it will stay this way all winter now.
How is the scarlet fever now is it improving yet or dieing out.. has Janet’s children got it yet – it is likely they will take it – when it’s going their has been a great many died with it. [?] [?] James is dead, I suppose they will feel pretty bad about her. But I think it is far better both for herself and them too. I hope they will be better off then us this day.
Was she ever sick or just the same as usual. Have you any preacher now and who is he.
We have a lovely preacher here he is just splendid. We go every sunday night – we can’t get in the day time but it is just as well to go in the evening. It is just a few steps from us, their is three churches just close by us so we haven’t far to go. Their was a fire the other night – it burned a big house down to the ground. I am always afraid of fire here every night for we just [] big fires in the furnace every night before we go to bed so the house will be warm all night.
Father I don’t know what to write that will entertain you any because their is nothing going on over here. How is mother and all the rest of the []. Mother was saying that she was going to keep me a bottle of honey. Tell her that she may just as well eat it for I have no love for honey whatever.
What are you busy with now you and peter are you very busy this winter do you spose Peter (her brother) could come over for me about the last of March. I think I would like to come over home then. But if he can’t get away very easy don’t try for I can come in the train just as well. How is John Thompson and his family getting along this hard winter. I should think they would almost freeze to death in that house – has any of them got the fever. [] [] James going away yet – does Julia and him fight the same as ever. Tell Janet I will write to her soon. How is [] getting along at school now – does Janet’s children go to school this winter. I think I must stop this scribbling for I am ashamed of it – hoping this will find you all enjoying good health so this leaves me at present thank god for his goodness to us all. Good bye dear father and mother from you ever and loving daughter Jessie.
Give lots of love to all not forgetting yourself.
Source: Tony & Tammy McGee, Harvey.
Posted by David Watson, Old Harvey Photos