The above link contains a pdf of minutes taken during meetings of the Lake George Lodge No 195. The Lodge was a chapter of the British Templars organized on April 20th, 1898.
The first meeting to establish the Lodge was held in the Lake George School House. Attendees were: William Nicholson, John Nicholson, George C. Irvine, Daniel Moody, Daniel Morris, William Morris, John R. McMurray, C. L. (or T?) Tilley, George McMurray, Frederick McCormick, Isacc McLean, Mary E. Moffitt, Lena Moffitt, and Helen Morris.
The initiation fee for men was 60 cents and for women, 30 cents. The meetings took place to talk about world issues and events.
The start date of these meetings was 1868 and the last meeting date was 1874. It is not known at this time if meetings continued beyond that date.
Interestingly, The inside of the front cover contained a hand written list of Nicholson family members, and some of their vital statistics from the early 1700s . They were likely living in Scotland at that time. These people are thought to be prior family members of William and John Nicholson who were members of the Lodge.
The book was donated by Stuart Blair.