Scottish immigrants, Alexander Lawson and John McGeorge came to settle Lake George, along the current Route 635, in around 1817 followed by a number of other settlers. (Source: “Lake George, York Co., New Brunswick” by Margot A. Malenfant, 2010). Part of the area later became known as Donnelly Settlement after John and Patrick Donnelly took grants in the area (PANB).
Photo: This house once stood on the Joseph Donnelly homestead. Joseph, who was a game warden, and his wife Minnie farmed and raised livestock for food as well as foxes for fur on the property. Adam Wise was the original grantee of the property. He came to Prince William as a black slave after the American Revolutionary War, then was awarded the property after he gained his freedom. St. Marks Catholic Church and graveyard now stand on this property.
Source: Tony and Tammy McGee.