Longs Creek/Prince William

The colonial settlements of Longs Creek and Prince William were established by Loyalists after the American Revolutionary War in the late 1780s. They were located next to the Wolastoq/Saint John River used for access to other communities while the road system was being developed. Prince William was named forthe future King William IV of Great Britain while Longs Creek was named for Abraham Long, a Loyalist who served with the New Jersey Volunteers. Its Maliseet name was Skoodowabskook, popularized by James DeMille in his poem of 1870 entitled “Sweet Maiden of Quoddy”.

Photo: Formerly a roadside Inn this building was located in the Long’s Creek area near the turnoff to Harvey Station along the road to Fredericton. It is now known as the King’s Head Inn at King’s Landing. 

Source: Joanna Dermenjian