From The Scrapbook By Rev. Bill Randall


This winter we’ve said good bye to the Taylor Hall. We’ve not said good bye to the memory of the Taylors. John Taylor Sr. was born 1825 in Scotland and it is not known precisely when he came to Harvey. In 1857 he had married Elizabeth Swan but they had not family, nor did John by a second wife Phoebe Hart. Whenever and however John came he was a major contributor to the life of Harvey, operating Woolen Mills, building a hall, operating furniture

store, making caskets and writing poetry. The Progress of Harvey”, and some (or all) of it was sung to the air of “The Kings Coronation”.

Twas four and twenty years ago 

There came a sturdy band, sir, 

Of border men to New Brunswick

From old Northumberland, sir, 

To Stanley first they meant to go          

But disappointed were, sir, 

The company did not suit them quit 

Thus they could not go there, sir,

But land by Brown was found

Near Oromocto Lake, sir,

And then these worthy borders

Went a settlement to make, sir.

Sir John Harvey, then Governor,

Much kindness showed to them,

So after him the settlement full —-?

Received its name, sir.

Here Wilmot too must get his due

A man of great renown, sir.

I think ‘twould seem that but for their cause

Must have gone down, sir.

The judge it was who plead their cause

For them did intercede, sir

Whilst Fisher he and Brown all three

To them were friends in need, sir.

No other road but logging roads 

To Harvey then were found sir,

Nor house, nor hold, nor cleared land

For many miles around, sir.

Log cabins reared and land they cleared

And burned the hemlock too, sir.

So now potatoes they did plant

And grain likewise did sow, sir,

Herbs, grass and clover too was sowed,

And all right well did grow, sir.

From Fredericton to Harvey soon

A turnpike road was made, sir,

At which they all employment got.

And wages good were paid, sir.

In common they all worked at this

In common shared their gain, sir,

And as they went ahead, they got

Two pounds for every chain, sir.

This paid their land and bought them stores

Their families to supply sir,

Till from the produce of the ground

They mostly could rely, sir.

Betimes with cattle, hogs and sheep

They did themselves provide, sir,

With horses, sleds and wagons, too,

Betimes they were supplied, sir.

And when the stumps began to rot

Out they were pulled and burned, sir.

The stones hauled off, up with the plough

The cradle knolls were turned, sir.

The land, buckwheat, oats, barley,

Hay in plenty all did yield, sir,  

And when a saw mill Wilson raised 

Frame barns they did build, sir.

Ere this the boards were sawed by hand 

Laborious work it was, sir.

Frame houses too were built, but now 

They need not use whips, sir.

A house of worship now as built

But sad 0 sad to tell, sir,

The old man here did interfere

Their progress to repel,

The hardships they had undergone

Was neither few nor small, sir,

But when this house was pounced upon

It vexed them more than all, sir.

A mill was built on North East stream 

The buckwheat for to grind, sir,’ 

Which was too small for grinding all

That come they soon did find, sir. 

They therefore pulled her down

And built one in her place much larger 

Which ground so fast the miller said

The new mill was a targer.

Now down this steam about a mile

Another mill there stands, sir,

Where boards, clapboards and shingles too

Are sawed for all demands, sir.

Here bedsteads too with whirley hue

And patent joints are made, sir,

With varnish fine and made to shine

And sold for cash or trade, sir.

But time would fail were I to tell. 

All what these men have done, sir.

In all the land a settlement

Like this, said, there’s none, sir 

From Canada to Fundy Bay

All that and more between, sir,

In public print and parliament,

These people praised have been, sir.

Source: Rev. Bill Randall’s “From The Scrapbook

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The Cenotaph in Harvey RC. Photo taken in 2017 by Sheryl Bartlett Located in the village, this memorial was erected by the Harvey community to

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