Wall of Recognition

Sarah Emma Edmonds

Source: Clarke Historical Library/ Central Michigan University

Decorated United States Union Civil War veteran, under the disguise as a man

Sarah was born in December, 1841 in Magaguadavic, N.B. At the age of 20, she, disguised as a man, enlisted in the American Civil War under the name of Franklin Thompson. She served as a field nurse, soldier and spy for the Union Army. Leaving the Army on April 19, 1863 she wrote the book “Female Spy of the Union Army”. She eventually married Linnus H. Seelye and together they started a family.  A number of books have been written about her experiences and memorials have been established in her honour in the United States and at Farm Point, Magaguadavic.

She passed away on September 5, 1898.

Prepared by Harvey Heritage, 2018