Village of Harvey, 50th Anniversary

The Village of Harvey held an event on November, 6, 2016 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of the village.

Over 140 people attended with Mayor, Winston Gamblin and Councillors, Richard Corey, Dave McMullin, and Brad Howse officiating.  Speeches were given the Mayor, MP Karen Ludwig, MLA Carl Urquhart, and Deputy Premier Stephen Horsman.   Afterwards, groups formed to brainstorm ideas about new projects that could enhance the village for residents both within and the surrounding area.  Cake and healthy snacks were served and Harvey Heritage had prepared a slide show depicting aspects of the village in and around 1966 that ran continuously throughout the event.  For viewing the presentation, please click this link:  Harvey Station in 1966

Recommended Reading

Interested in learning more about the rich history and heritage of the Harvey region? Here are a few blog posts that might pique your interest: