From The Scrapbook: Dog Threatens Deer Herds

By Rev. Bill Randall

Natural Resources and Energy Minister Morris Green is asking residents to keep their dogs secure at home.

Each year at this time we face the problem of domestic dogs running free and harassing or killing deer,” Green said. Dogs running at large put unnecessary pressure on deer herds in winter.”

This is a difficult time of the year for white-tailed deer. A reduction of available food, combined with cold temperatures and deep snow, pose problems for deer.

“Winter arrived early with heavy snowfalls and below temperatures which put a lot of pressure on deer herds,” the minister said. “The hardship of being stressed by weather and chased by domestic dogs can be too much for some deer to handle.”

Many areas now have a hard crust on the snow that can support dogs. but deer break through and have a difficult time travelling.

The Minister has instructed game wardens to be on the lookout for dogs running at large. Owners of these pets can be fined a maximum of $300, and game wardens have the authority to destroy dogs which are running in pursuit of game.

“Dog owners and the public have an impact on the survival of deer during the winter months,” Green said. By keeping dogs restrained and calling the Department of Natural Resources and Energy about dogs running wild, New Brunswickers can assist the department in protecting deer herds.

Source: Rev. Bill Randall’s “From The Scrapbook

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The Harvey Rural Community covers many early settlements which are listed here. To this day, many people still refer to their hometown by the name of the original settlement.