From The Scrapbook: Dan McCullough – Poet Laureate

By Rev. Bill Randall

July 20, 1990

About fifty years ago the community of Harvey displayed a rather unique isolationism. As we have noted most, of the inhabitants were descendants of the original twenty-six families and many were related by ties of blood.

From their background in England and Scotland they were almost unanimously anti-burghers a term that meant in early times, critical of the ruling class. Carrying that attitude of independence into this rugged land, meant that reaction to the political environment was very much a subject of discussion.

One of the political activists who can be remembers by older people was Dan McCullough. Dan was noted for his ready wit, and fortunately for us wrote down some of his thoughts in rhyme. The Scrapbook would like to share one of these rhymes of Dan’s with you. (It might be wise also to print a disclaimer: obviously Dan was a Tory and his opinions toward the Liberals of this time went to the grave with him in 1977.

In tracing back Dan’s genealogy, he was the son of William McCullough and Ellen Atcheson. William was the son of Peter McCullough and Isabelle Piercy and we have discovered their tombstone at Pleasant Ridge which also bears the name of Peter’s father, William McCullough, who emigrated to Pleasant Ridge prior to the Harvey settlement of 1837.

So those of us who remember Dan with his shock of snow-white hair in his customary place in the Knox Presbyterian Choir will be able to see the twinkle in his eye when he wrote the rhyme King Louie (Robichaud).


King Louis sits upon his throne 

The gavel in his hand.

When he summons the gestapo 

They goosestep to his command.


He told his robots for to go 

And feel the people out,

But there’s  few that will believe them

Of that there is no doubt.


Louis went himself up north 

To explain the situation.

While Irwin travels back and forth

And spouts on education.


Meldrum went to Moncton 

To enlighten all the people, 

When he got through the people knew.

That bats were in the steeple


Theriault said in Blackville 

That Marysville stood pat,

 Mayor Allen contradicted it 

And put an end to that.


 Mr. Duffle got the job, 

To oversee the rabbits, 

He is well acquainted with the skunks,

He knows their dirty habits.


DeBrissay makes the budget up 

We don’t know how he figures, 

But if you searched the woodpile

You may find a lot of n*****.


Richard he controls the roads 

When there is money spent,

But  you will find that most of it

 Has been used up in Kent.


Crocker sits and throws a switch

And said let there be light, 

When night comes on at Mactaquac

It is a wasteful sight.


The best land on the old Saint John

Will soon be inundated

And thirty two old cemeteries 

Will all be desecrated.


That gang cares not for senti ment

Or for traditions old,’

The only things they revel  in

Is graft and greed and gold.


Louis had a tantrum

One day and blew his stack,

He made false accusations

And would not take them back.


Two hoary headed senile men 

Whose names I will not mention, 

They are not too important

To merit much attention.


They should be pensioned of right now,

And turned right out to browse, 

For all they do in parliament

 Is clutter up the house.


Louis is all muddled up

And don’t know where to turn,

And for to help him in this mess, 

He called on Eddie Byrne.


The plan was nil in sixty-one 

There must be some solution, 

But it’s all right in sixty-six, 

This must be evolution.


Who the hell is this man Byrne

 He does not know which way to turn,

He tried to bring the program to us,

But wasted time in praising Louis.


Louie don’t want an election 

For he knows he’d lose his seat, 

He is riding on the gravy train 

And sitting nice and neat.


The gravy train will leave the rail

Sooner than they expect,

That’s when that gang of intel lects

Will get it in the neck.


I would like to know the little few

Who signed the small petition,

I get so mad I’d like to dump

Them deep into dark perdition.


Daniel Riley left the den

Of lions prematurely,

And went back to civilian life 

Where he can live securely.


He said his resignation

Was for reasons of his own, 

But we believe it was because 

King Louis was on the throne.


He tried to send Paul Burden 

To Ottawa with a loud voice, 

But when the ballots were counted

They found McRae a much better choice


He promised York-Sunbury to Pearson,

But his promise was not worth a damn,

For when York-Sunbury goes liberal

Wool will grow on a hydraulic ram.

Source: Rev. Bill Randall’s “From The Scrapbook Vol. One.”

Recommended Reading

Interested in learning more about the rich history and heritage of the Harvey region? 


The Harvey Rural Community covers many early settlements which are listed here. To this day, many people still refer to their hometown by the name of the original settlement.