From The Scrapbook By Rev. Bill Randall

FROM THE SCRAPBOOK by Dr. Bill Randall

March ’95 

One of the people who is always willing to assist me in preparing material for the Scrapbook is Helen Craig, wife of Avens Craig who was the son of the late T.K. Craig. She has prepared this material, Harvey Surnames, but I am taking the liberty of adding a few notes of my own. After each name and the material Helen has provided there will be the word NOTE that comes from me.


Since the arrival of the first settlers in Harvey in July 1837 from the borders of England and Scotland many surnames have appeared in census, applications for land, marriages, cemetery and church records. For those families whose histories have been published (Christie, Cleghorn, Little, Messer, Moffitt, Piercy, Swan and Wilson) the names no longer in use are familiar as their ancestors. Several of the following surnames will be familiar as they are names of people who were the last ones of their family to live in Harvey e.g. Carmichael, Cessford and Speedy. For other families very little information is available until such time as someone researches more of the old records and discovers that a particular surname is part of their family’s history as a great grandparent or the first owner of the property on which they reside.

  1. ATCHESON (1844) (i.e. date of arrival) Andrew & Margery (ROBISON) NOTE: McCullough families of Harvey are descendants.
  2. BECK (1850’s) Jane, daughter of John HEUGHAN

NOTE: John Heughan was the brother of the earliest Mrs. John Little.

  1. BROWNRIGG (1849) Edward & wife Isabella (1837) NOTE: lived in Acton where Burton Toner lives.
  2. CARMICHAEL (1837) John & Margaret (HUME) Their granddaughters married BELL, DAVIDSON, NESBIT, THOMPSON NOTE: Katie Carmichael was last living member of the family, related familes: Bells,

MacLeans, Thompsons.

  1. CESSFORD (1837) David & Margaret (PIERCY) Some of their family went to Vancouver Is. withit PIERCY’S and GARTLEY’S NOTE: Tommy Swan of Harvey, a descendant.
  2. CHAMBERS (1844) mother Elizabeth, son George, daughter Margaret who married William Walter EMBLETON NOTE: Mrs. Chambers was a sister to Mrs. John (Janet) Little.
  3. COWIE (1837) James & Isabelle (DONALDSON) whose daughters married HAY and JONES NOTE: Gerry Messer & wife Betty live on the Cowie place.
  1. GREGG (1837) John & wife, Mary were granted Lot #9E but by 1851 Census were living on Campobello Is. and sold it to Andrew W. COBURN in 1868. NOTE: No known relatives in Harvey. Levurn Swan owns the farm.
  2. HAY (1837) Alexander Sr. & wife Jane (ROBINSON) & 6 children who married the DORCAS, NESBIT & LITTLE families & won William moved to Williamsburg NOTE: No family of that name in Harvey. Effie Dewar is related.
  3. HERBERT (1837) Thomas & wife Isabelle (EMBLETON). Their descendants are in the LISTER, LITTLE & ROBISON families NOTE: Maurice Lister lives on the homestead.
  1. HEUGHAN (1841) Christina, mother of Christopher JOHNSON, & later wife of Luke CRAIG, and John NOTE: Another sister of Mrs. John Little. HUME (1837) Two sisters – Mary who married James CRAIG & Margaret, wife of John CARMICHAEL NOTE: No one of that name in Harvey.
  2. Hume (1837) Two sisters – Marywho married James CRAIG & Margaret, wife of John CARMICHAEL

NOTE:No one of that name in Harvey.

  1. KAY (1837) Thomas KAY & his sister Isabelle, wife of Henry CRAIG NOTE: The Kay name was the middle name of the late Thomas Kay Craig.
  2. McGOWAN (1850’s) John, who married Jane (Jeannie) LITTLE, daughter of John LITTLE & Janet HEUGHAN NOTE: No McGowan’s presently living in Harvey.
  3. MONTGOMERY (1837) Andrew with a family of 7 petitioned for Lot #14E but the farm was granted to DORCAS NOTE: Dorcas name related to the Montgomery’s by marriage.
  4. MOWAT (1837) Two brothers – Thomas & wife Elizabeth and James & wife Catherine NOTE: Orlie MacLean lives on the Mowat place as does Helen Hanselpacker. Claude Swan owns the other Mowat place at the top of Harvey Hill.
  5. NESBIT (1837) Two familes – John & wife, Ann with a family of 10 married into the CARMICHAEL, CHAMBERS, COBURN, EMBLETON, GRIEVE & HAY families and James & wife, Elspath whose son James married Isabella CRAIG & went to Australia in 1852 with Thomas HERBERT’S son Robert

NOTE: No family by that name now.

  1. PASS (1834) William & wife Hannah & son William Jr. who married Charlotte COCKBURN NOTE: Lived in Acton where Lloyd Pollock lives.
  2. RUNCHMAN (1842) In the 1851 census Cherry was a widow, age 77, with a son Edward, age 48 and Margaret, a lodger age 21. There are also RUNCHMAN descendants in the EMBLETON family. NOTE: No family by that name.
  3. SCOTT (1837) John & his sister-in-law Jane (HEUGHAN) NOTE: Brother-in-law to John Little settled where Ronald Little lives.
  4. SPEEDY (1842) Thomas & wife Isabella

NOTE: No Speedy families. We best remember the late Douglas and Lorraine Speedy.

  1. TAITE (1837) William & Robert

NOTE: This family name never continued except as a second name.

  1. TAYLOR (May 1850) John. The first hospital in Harvey and TAYLOR Hall and TAYLOR field are legacies from this family.

NOTE: Taylor Hall recently demolished. Harvey Community Days once centered around that hall and field. Swanhaven Nursing Home once a Taylor Home and then the Red Cross Hospital.

  1. TORRANCE (1855) Robert & wife Ellen (MACDONALD) NOTE: No families by that name. Related to Mrs. Alton Lister.
  2. WATT (1843) Michael & wife Mary Ann (MORECRAFT) NOTE: Related only through Morecrafts.
  3. WIGHTMAN (1837) John & wife Mary (SIMPSON) on lot #19W NOTE: Late Mrs. Fred Grieve, grandmother of Levurn Swan, was a Wightman.
  4. WILLIAMS (1837) In the 1851 census Henry, his wife Mary & 4 children were neighbours of
    Robert BURRELL & Alexander HAY. He petitioned for land in Harvey & later in Dumfries Parish. NOTE: The Williams’ lived in Acton.

Compiled by Helen C. Craig for Bill Randall (FROM THE SRAPBOOK)

Source: Rev. Bill Randall’s “From The Scrapbook Vol. One.”

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