From The Scrapbook: Our 55th Wedding Anniversary

By Rev. Bill Randall

June 1998

I personally have a new Scrapbook, prepared for Emma and me for our 55th Wedding Anniversary celebration – a celebration in which many of you participated. Emma will probably write to you individually to thank you, but this is sort of the man’s easy way out, to sort of collectively say thank you. The Ladies of the Kitchen, who as usual impressed “out-of-towners” with the excellence of their catering – I never drank rhubarb punch before -but Pat assured me it was wholesome.

From our guest book signatures we calculated there were in excess of one hundred and seventy guests.

The Out of Towners were from Pastoral Charges we have served over the 55 years, geographically I’ll list them Edmundston, Chatham, Pennfield, Black’s Harbour, St. Andrews, Prince William, Keswick Ridge, Fredericton, and Clementsvale, Nova Scotia. Family from Etobicoke, Ontario; Ottawa, Ontario and our daughter Donna and husband from Buffalo, New York. son Bill who lives in Fredericton and daughter Carol who lives in Fredericton. As a family they made the weekend very, very, special. Carol doing the long range planning, Donna doing the later physical arrangements and Bill assisting them in every way.

Fifty -five years ago on the day before our wedding, knowing there would be a rehearsal that evening  I was suddenly struck with the realization that this would be my last chance to escape! I didn’t and I’m glad. Friday, June 12,

1998 I had the same feeling – with my very defective hearing, how would I cope with a hall full of voices! That noon time, Melanie Dodenhoff phoned me to ask if I could provide any Historical background to a farm they have purchased and where they hope someday to live. It was the old Pem Little farm on the Rear Road, Their neighbors, the Johnstons, had given them great assistance, describing how Pem had returned to Harvey from Montreal about eighty years ago and had purchased the considerably run down vacant homestead which once had belonged to Ephraim and Janet Amelia Little Myshrall. Janet who was the daughter of John and Cherry Jane Little bore eleven children before she died in 1903 at the age of 38 from consumption. After Janet Amelia’s death Ephraim moved from Harvey and his sons and daughters lived in the following places Maine, Seattle Washington, Connecticut, Prince William N.B., and Nanaimo British Columbia. One son was killed in France, another killed in a railroad accident. Ephraim died at St. Stephen.

Pem and Lottie made extensive renovations to this old house, built two large barns and developed a flourishing dairy farm. Later in his life he built a new home in the center of Harvey Village.

Having so much fun doing this research, visiting the old homestead, visiting with Cleighton Little, consulting with Jocelean Swan Hall kept me occupied until we gathered at St. Andrews Church Hall Saturday afternoon and received your warm wishes.

In gatherings like that there are people who compliment me for the work that I do in preparing these Scrapbook items. I accept your compliments but, I hope everyone knows that my Research Source is always the cooperative Jocelean Swan Hall from whom I acquired just minutes ago the Historical location of the Pem Little place I have been writing about. It was Lot #12 granted to George Nesbitt in 1940, according to Melanie’s reading of her deed.

Elizabeth Nesbitt. Daughter of James Nesbitt and Elspeth. Born 19 Dec 1811 in England.

No further information on Elizabeth. She wasn’t listed among the Nesbitt family members who came to Canada in 1837.

Thomas Nesbitt. Son of James Nesbitt and Elspeth. Born 26 March 1814 in England.

No further information on Thomas. He was not on the list of family members who came to Canada in 1837.

George Nesbitt. Son of James Nesbitt and Elspeth. Born 16 Feb 1816 in North., Eng. Died 1881 / 1891 George at age 21 years came to NB on the brig Cornelius of Sunderland with his widowed father James Nesbitt, sister Eslpeth and brother James, and were among the first settlers of Harvey Settlement.

George was listed in the 1881 Census, but not the 1891 Census, and it is presumed he died during that time. He first married Elizabeth Embleton, daughter of George Embleton and Margaret Davidson, 4 Feb 1841 in St. Paul’s, Fredericton. Born 1819 in Eng. Christen 1 Jun 1819 in Ilderton, Eng. Died 3 Oct 1852 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.

Elizabeth came to NB in 1837 on the brig Cornelius of Sunderland, with her sister and brother-in-law Isabel! And

Thomas Herbert and their five young children. Elizabeth was 18 years old. Her sister, Eleanor, age 20 years,

and brother Robert, age 16 years, and brother William Embleton with his wife Jane and two small children came to

NB at the same time. They were among the first settlers of Harvey Settlement.

From NB Royal Gazette, 10 Feb 1841:

“Married 4th inst., by Rev. Dr. Birkmyre, George Nesbitt and Miss Elizabeth Embleton both of Kingsclear parish, York Co.”

From New Brunswick Courier, 30 Oct 1852:

” Died Harvey Settlement, 3rd ult., Elizabeth, wife of George Nesbitt, age 33; and on 13th, William, son of George Nesbitt, infant.”

So I didn’t run away from the 55th anniversary celebration on June 13th 1998, and I’m glad.

Source: Rev. Bill Randall’s “From The Scrapbook Vol. One.”

Recommended Reading

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The Harvey Rural Community covers many early settlements which are listed here. To this day, many people still refer to their hometown by the name of the original settlement.

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