From The Scrapbook: Winter Carnival

By Dr. William Randall

March 1999

March 1999 Our winter is almost over, and we haven’t had all the “fun in the snow” we’ve had other winters – in fact we haven’t yet had “Winter Carnival.” My source says they may be a ‘SPRING FLING” instead. But since I’, “old fashioned”

I’ll report a “Winter Carnival of 1981”.


 By Jane Myles and Beverley Corey

Happy Winter Carnival from the festive and slightly bizarre hallways of Harvey High. By now you have correctly guessed that during this past week the school’s annual celebration of the beautiful winter season has been held. Fortunately for all students, nature has seen fit to co-operate this year and, as you’ve probably noticed, there’s a fair amount of snow out there!

This year’s theme for Harvey’s Winter Carnival was “Goodbye to the Old, Hello to the New”, as we recently moved into our new school.

Each year, winter carnival is organized by the grade 11 class and sponsored by the student council. Adding to the normal level of excitement during the carnival week is the fact that this is the first such event in the new school. Special mention should be made of those who worked long hours to make the carnival possible, including Winter Carnival President Crysta Collicott, Vice-President Benny Goudbout, Secretary Kim Essensa, Treasurer Carla Little and the teachers who put up with the problems stemming from the event.

The carnival began Monday with “Green and Gold bay”. For this and all other dress up days, there was a 25 cents fine collected from those who did not comply with the dress code.

Monday evening had the highlight of the week, the beauty pageant. At 6:30 p.m. the Drama Club presented their production of The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch. After a short intermission the pageant began. There were two representatives from each grade vying for the titles of queen, senior princess, and Junior Princess. M.C. for the evening was Mr. Herb Swan; a staff member. Judges were Jerry McFarland and Pauline Lewis of the District 26 School Board, and Pat Gallagher, Miss N.B. Potato Queen.

Crowning of this year’s royalty was being performed by those crowned in 1980: Miss Winter Carnival 1980, Angela Cline; senior princess, Susan Swan; junior princess, Tammy Chessie.

Representatives for the beauty pageant were as follows: grade 12, Charlotte Piercy and Mabel Moffitt; grade 11, Marlene Hare and Corrine Chessie; grade 10, Cheryl Cole and Sandra Messer; grade 9, Connie Little and Monica McCann’ grade 8, Corinne Cleghorn and Krista Greer; grade 7, Helen Phillips and Janice Cammack.

Of the 12 contestants in the pageant, only three could be winners. These were Monica McCann, junior princess; Charlotte Piercy, first princess; and Mabel Moffitt, Winter Carnival Queen. Congratulations to all.

Tuesday saw an odd, to say the least, amalgamation of students dressed in fashions of days gone by. As well, the senior basketball teams player versus Nackawic’s teams. These games were very important to the advancement of Harvey’s teams to the provincial finals. On Wednesday, students sported apparel from the Hippie Generation (far out man!) and later that evening some of the splendor and excitement of Las Vegas was bestowed upon Harvey as the school was transformed into an action-packed gambler’s paradise for the fames Casino Night.

On Thursday, various wild and crazy hats were seen on the heads (usually) of the student body. Winter Carnival seems to lend itself to crazier-than-usual student behavior and this year was no exception to the trend. Students later suited up to face the freezing temperatures and participated in the torchlight parade and sliding party. Pizza and hot chocolate were used to thaw out the near-frozen students.

Friday the 13th, Inside Out bay, is by far the busiest day of the week. No classes are being held. In the morning we had a jello-eating contest, panty hose contest, a Miss Piggy and Kermit Look A Like contest, and kangaroo court. At noon there was a box social. Volleyball games, a mini casino. and the favored teachers versus teams basketball game will fill the afternoon. Hopefully Friday the 13th will prove to be a lucky, rather than unlucky day for the senior teams when they play against Boiestown tonight from 6:30-10:30!

The final scheduled event of the carnival is a Valentine’s Dance to be held tomorrow night at the Rec Centre with the band Misty Blue.

Last Monday, Feb. 2, the senior boys basketball team were hosts to the Grand Manan team. The game proved to be a very exciting one, with no lack of student support since all students were permitted to attend the game, which was held during class time. Despite tremendous effort, the boys were defeated 78 to 65. Tommy Pollock, the game’s high scorer, accumulated a total of 24 points.

On last Friday, the Harvey senior teams hosted Stanley in games in which the boys were victorious, scoring 102 points to Stanley’s 85. The girls, however, were defeated. On Saturday, Carleton North visited Harvey to outscore Harvey’s senior boys.

In junior basketball action, both the girls’ and boy teams attended the District Finals during the last weekend of January. On Friday, to boys travelled to Devon where they were defeated by Waasis by four points. On Saturday they defeated George Street and lost to Nashwaaksis in the consolation finals. Tracy Cline, who scored 29, 27 and 20 points in the games, received an All Star award. Congratulations, Tracy!

The junior girls visited Ecole Sainte-Anne Saturday, Jan. 31 where they defeated Keswick Valley. Later that day they were defeated by Keswick Ridge.

Report cards were passed out to junior high students, along with the results of grade 9s mini-exams. Parent-teacher interviews were also held last Wednesday. The fact was evident from the assortments of gloomy and triumphant looks. Last Thursday the prize money for the annual Remembrance Day literature contest held by the McAdam Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion arrived. Prize winners were: in grade 7A, Jennifer Bird and Shari Swan; in grade 7B, Greg Lawson and Denise Rutherford; in grade 8A Beverley Corey and Kathy McCann and in 8B Norma Little and Dale Saunders.

The familiar brown bag lunches were replaced last week by long line-ups extending across the cafeteria as the cafeteria officially opened. The cafeteria is capably supervised by Kathy Boone who is assisted by Susan Good, Eleanor Rutherford and Diane Lane as well as student volunteers who rinse dishes and put them in the dishwashers. The cafeteria is administered by Beaver Foods and six rotating menus are provided weekly. Students, teachers and staff, as well as senior citizens, may order their noon mean “a la carte” or in the form of a Four Plus meal consisting of a main course, potatoes, vegetables, dessert and milk or juice for $1.40.

Source: Rev. Bill Randall’s “From The Scrapbook Vol. One.”

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The Harvey Rural Community covers many early settlements which are listed here. To this day, many people still refer to their hometown by the name of the original settlement.