From The Scrapbook By Rev. Bill Randall

From The Scrap Book

HARVEY’S  First Name?

Where is the REAL ORIGINAL Harvey?

Is it Harvey Station?

Is it Harvey Settlement?

Is it the Harvey in Albert County, NB.?

By an Order-in-Council of 1837, twenty (20) 100 acre lots of land were set aside for a settling of Scottish pioneers in York County.

The migrating families had expected to be settled by the Stanley Land Company but on their arrival in Fredericton this was impossible. Governor General Sir John Harvey sponsored the Order-in-Council so the area was named Harvey. It began halfway up what we now know as Harvey Hill and proceeded southwest to a point near the 1989 residence of Claude Swan on the Tweedside Road.

Subsequent settlers on lands adjoining the “Settlement”, brought homeland names. William Pass from Ac ton, England gave the name of Acton to his home (1839), and it became a local name. The Swan’s and Rutherfords, coming to the area in 1841, brought the name of Tweedside from their homes on the Tweed River in England. Still later, residents to the south of Tweedside named their area `Sinless Ridge’. The name didn’t stick!

With the coming of the railway to the area the name `Harvey Station’ became prominent, and in 1865, the first post office was opened in Glendenning’s store right beside the railway.

The official postal code is Harvey Station, EOH 1110, however that covers an area much, much larger than the original Harvey. It goes from the St. John River in the east to Christie Ridge on the west and from Magundy on the north to Flume Ridge on the south – 700 square miles.

Send mail to just Harvey, N. B., and it might well go to Albert County, New Brunswick.

Source: Rev. Bill Randall’s “From The Scrapbook

Recommended Reading

Interested in learning more about the rich history and heritage of the Harvey region? Here are a few blog posts that might pique your interest: