From THe Scrapbook: Tourism In McAdam Beats The Odds

By Rev. Bill Randall

August 10, 1990

Contrary to the situation elsewhere in New Brunswick, the number of tourists visiting McAdam this summer has in creased substantially. While most other areas at mid-season are recording a reduction of approximately 10% over last year, the total number of visitors stop ping in the Village has increased by an astonishing 33%.  Put another way there have, as of August 5th, been, 1,819 people through the bureau as opposed to 1,351 during the same period last year.

Offering information, assistance and advice to the motoring public, the Village operated Tourist Bureau ,located on Saunders Road just below the CPR Station, has thus far been able to keep up with the sharply in creased volume. Tourist Information.  Counselors Liann Moffitt, Kathy Tracey and Lori Connolly opened the facility on June 25th and will be on duty daily until September 1st. If the present trend continues, they will have assisted close to 3,600 travelers by summer’s end.

Although most tourists stopping at the bureau are on their way to other destinations they nevertheless take the time to in quire about the station and to ask whether or not they can tour the historical old structure. Other major village attractions that drew their interest are the “Big Rock”; the old fire engine and the “Cobblers Shop” housed in the bureau building the various   pieces of authentic railway memorabilia located in the adjacent park and the display of prehistoric artifacts in the village’s Council Chambers. Before departing on their way many visitors take the opportunity to buy locally made crafts which are offered for sale at the bureau.

Although most of the tourist visiting the Village are families with children, there are also a considerable number of seniors as well. One interesting point is that among these travelers almost 75% are from the U.S. with the balance of them coming from other Canadian Provinces as well as England, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Japan and Switzerland. By comparison there are relatively few New Brunswickers visiting the area.

Commenting on the large increase in tourists visiting McAdam, Councilor Liann Moffitt feels that the recently designated “International Lakeland Trail” has played a significant role. “Many, many travellers who arrive here are carrying the brochure distributed by the Maine/N.B. Joint Tourism Strategy Committee, she said. They are travelling north on I 95 but rather than proceeding to the Houlton/Woodstock border crossing they are taking the Lakeland Trail at Lincoln, Maine, and are proceeding to Vanceboro/St. Croix and then to  McAdam where they want to see our local  attractions before going on their way,” she added.

Source: Rev. Bill Randall’s “From The Scrapbook Vol. One.”

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