Brockway Union Church
Dedicated in 1890, the church was so called because the community was represented by several denominations such as Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Congregational, and Plymouth Brethren,
Dedicated in 1890, the church was so called because the community was represented by several denominations such as Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Congregational, and Plymouth Brethren,
The first Church of Immaculate Conception was built in Cork, York County, New Brunswick in around 1861. The structure was destroyed by the Saxby Gale in
The All Saints Anglican Church in Magaguadavic, York County, New Brunswick was built on donated land around 1868. A larger church was built in 1921. The
This was taken from a write up by Joe Fletcher:By the turn of the century The All Saints Anglican Church in Magaguadavic (built in 1869)