Isabella MacLaren
This monument commemorating Sarah Emma Edmonds, born in Magaguadavic in 1841, is located on Saunders Road off of Farm Point Road on the way to Magaguadavic Lake. Sarah served in the United States Civil War disguised as a man named Franklin Thompson. The monument was conceptualized by Terry Middleton, then President of the 20th Maine … Read more
Discover the rich history of the Harvey region through its many monuments, honoring significant events, settlements, and individuals.
This monument, located at 650 Tweedside Road, commemoratesing settlers who came from the Scottish English borderland in the 1840s and 1850s. It was built by Louis Swan and others in 1950s and represents the Swan, Rutherford, Taylor, Cleghorn, Messer and other families who settled in Tweedside. The grounds are taken care of by local residents. More … Read more
Dedicated in 1890, the church was so called because the community was represented by several denominations such as Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Congregational, and Plymouth Brethren, and it was to be used by all. The builders of the Church were Robert Vail, and Robert Young, sons of two of the original settlers in Brockway. A corner … Read more
The first Church of Immaculate Conception was built in Cork, York County, New Brunswick in around 1861. The structure was destroyed by the Saxby Gale in 1869 and a second structure was built immediately afterwards. By 1901, the congregation had outgrown the church leading to a third and larger church being built between 1901 and 1903 next to … Read more
All Saints Anglican Church in Magaguadavic The All Saints Anglican Church in Magaguadavic, York County, New Brunswick was built on donated land around 1868. A larger church was built in 1921 which is still in existance today and has changed very little with the exception of the bell tower and steeple which had to … Read more
By Dr. Bill Randall As told by: T. K. Craig It was a warm summer’s day in June 1945, when a call came in that there was a fire at the woolen mill in York Mills. At that time our fire department, located in my garage, consisted of an old 8 cylinder, Ford two ton … Read more
By Dr. Bill Randall This winter we’ve said good bye to the Taylor Hall. We’ve not said good bye to the memory of the Taylors. John Taylor Sr. was born 1825 in Scotland and it is not known precisely when he came to Harvey. In 1857 he had married Elizabeth Swan but they had not, … Read more
By Dr. Bill Randall Did you ever eat marinated deer feet? I tried them once. It was Mac’s idea. I’m referring to Lester McDonald known as Mac at the Rear Road. Mac and I had some things in common. We were both born in Nova Scotia; we both had experienced polio; we both liked dogs, … Read more
By Rev. Bill Randall Where is the REAL ORIGINAL Harvey? Is it Harvey Station? Is it Harvey Settlement? Is it the Harvey in Albert County, NB.? By an Order-in-Council of 1837, twenty (20) 100 acre lots of land were set aside for a settling of Scottish pioneers in York County. The migrating families had expected … Read more